As I reexamined the Scriptures, after having moved decidedly away from them over the last 17 years, I found that I had good reason to move away from Scriptures, and indeed, the Christian faith in particular. What I had done subconsciously was perhaps based on a real reaction to living my life in the context of having a belief in a higher power—an invisible entity who was somehow at the helm, but who failed miserably to show me any authentic evidence of his presence.
About Me
Identity markers: Author. Artist. Singer-Songwriter. Freethinker. Independent. Sapphist. Secularist. Humanist. Atheist. I am many things, and I strive toward being the most ethical, honest and genuine person I can be.
I have authored 36 other books, so this is by no means a maiden voyage; the only difference here, is the weighty subject matter.
~Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking ~13 Things That Don't Make Sense: The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our Time ~The Varieties of Scientific Experience (Carl Sagan) ~God: The Failed Hypothesis (Victor J. Stenger) ~Why Intelligent Design Fails (Young/Edis eds.)
*This is transferred from Facebook for reasons that will be clear toward the bottom.This is another fine example of why i keep saying I am Pariah, many times over.
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I'm going to have to go back in the closet with my atheism, at least on facebook and on my main blog. I'm trying to find dates and a partner, and everyone is so brainwashed, they prejudge you based on that, before they even get to know you. My odds are already dismally low by being gay, among other things. Non-belief is the new GAY.
no closets! You are who you are and you are fabulous as is! "What people think of you is none of your business" so I've heard from someone over 90 (who's name I now forget...). and hey, I didn't prejudge you, now did I? So you can't say 'everyone' LOL...keep on keepin' on, I'd say... Have a great day!
This is why I don't get into discussions about religion very often. (Sigh) I'm tired of hearing how wrong I am and I'm destined for Hell. The last thing I need is a bunch of Bible bangers trying to save me. I think I'm more agnostic though, cuz I just haven't made up my mind what's out there and who, if anything.. I'm gonna be like W.C. Fields, on my death bed I'll be "looking for loopholes" just in case.
I appreciate all of you chiming in--especially so fast! Thanks. But here's the deal...(And I'm sure it'll go in the book when i write more about this). I was proud to have come to the conclusion that I am a non-believer. Just like I was proud when i came to the conclusion that i was gay. It put things in perspective and gave me my power back. But sadly, there still are a MAJORITY of people in this nation, who have preconceived notions just like i did WHEN I WAS A CHRISTIAN about who atheists are. I would not have anything to do with one either. So i get it, from that viewpoint, though that viewpoint is based on lies. So i know that if i ever hope to find a partner, or even a date, they will have to get to know the other parts of me first, and then decide. Then if they have an idea of who i am on a personal level, and not just a word on a page, they will be less likely to eject me. Becuase some of their misconceptions will then be brought to light more naturally.
Anyway, want to wish you luck in your choice Jae (if you believe in luck! ). I wish people in 2009 wouldn't be so damn judgemental...
Tanya Gotcher
Humans are always going to need to validate themselves which includes their beliefs. Unfortunately, they way most do this is by judging others harshly in comparison to themselves, which, I guess, in some warped way, bolsters them. We have this strange need to point at and criticize everything that is different from us. I don't understand why so many view difference as threatening. If you know who you are and like who you are, then why bother with all that? Why does anyone have to be "right"? Maybe we all are and none of us are.
Now, i will probably remove this post for the same reason I was complaining about IN THE POST ITSELF. But will repost on Supernatural Hypocrisy blog, which will now be the only place i will publicly discuss my non-belief.